
Five works at NOMA with stories of misery, mayhem, and the macabre

The works of art contained in NOMA’s galleries and the Besthoff Sculpture Garden depict the full gamut of human emotions — from love and compassion to vengeance and fright! Prowl our halls and the shadowy outdoor paths of the sculpture garden to view scenes and objects that are guaranteed to give visitors the willies. Some works present less obvious but definitively grisly and creepy stories beyond the frame or pedestal. Presented here are five selections from the permanent collection with stories of misery, mayhem, and the macabre. Read More

Dickie Landry to perform solo saxophone concert on May 2

Louisiana-born saxophonist, artist, photographer, and composer Dickie Landry will perform one of his legendary site-specific SOLO concerts in tribute to the work of Keith Sonnier and Tina Girouard on Thursday, May 2, from 6 – 8 pm. Landry will play the tenor saxophone to explore the textures and abstract layers of sound within NOMA’s iconic architecture. Admission required. Read More