Small Talk: Odili Donald Odita’s Forever with Docent Regina Shujaa

Small Talks are ten-to-fifteen-minute gallery talks focused on one object or a small group of objects. These brief informal sessions enrich the visitor experience and allow visitors to learn more about works of art in NOMA’s permanent holdings as well as those on view in temporary exhibitions. Join Docent Regina Shujaa for a discussion about...

Small Talk: Giovanni Boldoni’s Portrait of a Woman in Profile with Docent Beth Akin

Small Talks are ten-to-fifteen-minute gallery talks focused on one object or a small group of objects. These brief informal sessions enrich the visitor experience and allow visitors to learn more about works of art in NOMA’s permanent holdings as well as those on view in temporary exhibitions. Join Docent Beth Akin for a discussion about...

Small Talk: Abstract Thoughts with Curatorial Associate Anne Roberts

Small Talks are ten-to-fifteen-minute gallery talks focused on one object or a small group of objects. These brief informal sessions enrich the visitor experience and allow visitors to learn more about works of art in NOMA’s permanent holdings as well as those on view in temporary exhibitions. Join Curatorial Associate Anne Roberts for a discussion...

Small Talk: Buddhist Art at NOMA with Docent Ambika Prasad

Small Talks are ten-to-fifteen-minute gallery talks focused on one object or a small group of objects. These brief informal sessions enrich the visitor experience and allow visitors to learn more about works of art in NOMA’s permanent holdings as well as those on view in temporary exhibitions.

Small Talk: Dutch Paintings in the Golden Age with Docent Diane Finley

Small Talks are ten-to-fifteen-minute gallery talks focused on one object or a small group of objects. These brief informal sessions enrich the visitor experience and allow visitors to learn more about works of art in NOMA’s permanent holdings as well as those on view in temporary exhibitions. Join Docent Diane Finley as she discusses NOMA's...


Sculpture Garden Tour

Join NOMA’s docents for a free guided tour of the Sydney and Walda Besthoff Sculpture Garden on Saturdays and Mondays in October and November at noon. Sited on five acres adjacent to the museum, the garden contains more than sixty works by renowned sculptors.

Small Talk: Lina Iris Viktor: A Haven. A Hell. A Dream Deferred with Curatorial Fellow Allison Young

Small Talks are ten-to-fifteen-minute gallery talks focused on one object or a small group of objects. These brief informal sessions enrich the visitor experience and allow visitors to learn more about works of art in NOMA’s permanent holdings as well as those on view in temporary exhibitions. Louisiana residents receive FREE admission on Wednesdays courtesy...

Noontime Talk: The Orléans Collection with Curator Vanessa Schmid

Noontime talks are casual conversations between artists, curators, and other special guests with NOMA visitors frequently scheduled throughout the year. Louisiana residents receive free admission to NOMA on Wednesdays courtesy of The Helis Foundation. Join Curator Vanessa Schmid as she introduces visitors to The Orléans Collection exhibition.

Small Talk: Portrait of Père Antoine with Docent Pat Loughran

Small Talks are ten-to-fifteen-minute gallery talks focused on one object or a small group of objects. These brief informal sessions enrich the visitor experience and allow visitors to learn more about works of art in NOMA’s permanent holdings as well as those on view in temporary exhibitions. Wednesdays are FREE to all Louisiana residents courtesy...