Lesley Dill, Hell Hell Hell/Heaven Heaven Heaven: Encountering Sister Gertrude Morgan & Revelation, 2010, New Orleans Museum of Art, Gift of the artist, 2014.45.1, Photography © Michael Smith
Wednesday, August 22
3 PM: Encountering Sister Gertrude Morgan from the exhibition Changing Course: Reflections on New Orleans Histories with Mellon Curatorial Fellow Allison Young.
Thursday, August 23
11 AM: Thornton Dial’s Ninth Ward with Docent Dennis Malloy
Friday, August 24
11 AM: The Royal Accoutrements in Antoine-François Callet’s Portrait of Louis XVI with Docent Harvey Orth

Paolo Veronese, St. Agatha Visited in Prison by St. Peter, 1566–1567, Oil on canvas, 65 1/2 x 81 1/2 in., Photo Ufficio Beni Culturali del Patriarcato di Venezia
Saturday, August 25
11 AM: Veronese in Murano with Docent Pat Jackson
3 PM: Carlos Rolón, History, and Identity with Gallery Attendant Matthew Germanis
Sunday, August 26
3 PM: Carlos Rolón; The Caribbean-New Orleans Connection with Docent Sharon Mader
Tuesday, August 28
11 AM: Umberto Boccioni’s Unique Forms of Continuity in Space with Docent Cheryl Kain
Wednesday, August 29
3 PM: George Ohr, “The Mad Potter of Biloxi,” with Curator Mel Buchanan
The Community Perspectives series. features community members sharing their views on topics and works on view in Changing Course: Reflections on New Orleans Histories. Clancy DuBos, a longtime New Orleans attorney and journalist, will discuss his eyewitness account of the 1973 UpStairs Lounge arson as a reporter. The tragedy, which killed 32 patrons of a gay bar in the French Quarter, is commemorated in artist Skylar Fein’s installation for the exhibition (Wednesday, August 22, 3 pm).
Noontime Talks are casual conversations frequently scheduled throughout the year at noon between artists, curators, and other special guests with NOMA visitors. In the week ahead, meet Chicago-based artist Edra Soto (Wednesday, August 22, 12 pm) as she discusses Carlos Rolón’s exhibition themes and her own career in a talk sponsored by The Helis Foundation, and join Curator Vanessa Schmid for an up-close look at Veronese in Murano: Two Venetian Renaissance Masterpieces Restored (Wednesday, August 31, 12 pm).