Small Talks are 15-to-20-minute talks by curators, docents, and other museum staff about select items or groups of objects in the permanent collection or special exhibitions. Join us this week for the following:
Wednesday, August 15
11 AM: Amedeo Modigliani’s Portrait of a Woman with docent Connie Traub
3 PM: Edgar Degas’s Portrait of Estelle Musson Degas with docent Dianne Chesson

Artist Jet Costello created miniature rooms for display in Carlos Rolón’s Hustleman cart, on view in the exhibition Carlos Rolón: Outside/In.
Thursday, August 16
11 AM: Artist Jet Costello discusses the miniature sets he created for installation in Carlos Rolón’s Hustleman cart
3 PM: Veronese in Murano exhibition with docent Marilyn Copan
Friday, August 17
11 AM: Dutch Genre Paintings with docent Ambika Prasad
11:15 AM: Artist Jet Costello discusses the miniature sets he created for installation in Carlos Rolón’s Hustleman cart
3 PM: Manniere Dawson’s Classic Relief with docent Harvey Orth
Saturday, August 18
11 AM: Veronese in Murano with docent Pat Jackson
3 PM: Jackson Pollock and Lee Krasner with docent Naomi Kornman
Sunday, August 19
3 PM: Andy Warhol’s Diamond Dust Shoes with docent Gary Gusick
Tuesday, August 21
11 AM: Pablo Picasso’s Woman in an Armchair with docent Regina Shujaa
Wednesday, August 22
3 PM: Lesley Dill’s Hell Hell Hell / Heaven Heaven Heaven: Encountering Sister Gertrude Morgan and Revelation in Changing Course: Reflections on New Orleans Histories with Curatorial Fellow Allison Young

Lesley Dill, Hell Hell Hell/Heaven Heaven Heaven: Encountering Sister Gertrude Morgan & Revelation, 2010, New Orleans Museum of Art, Gift of the artist, 2014.45.1, Photography © Michael Smith