A Letter from Jennifer Heebe, NVC Chair

What an exciting time to be part of the NOMA Volunteer Committee! But if you have visited the museum in the last few weeks, you already know that. There’s so much going on that it’s hard to decide which event to attend, exhibition to see or tour to take. And buckle up ~ we are just getting started!

Already this year, we have seen hundreds of children racing through the garden on a beautiful Saturday afternoon gathering as many colorful eggs as they could into their Easter Baskets. Those smiles and special memories are possible because so many of you joined our Egg Hunt Chairs, Emily Arata and Rebecca Friedman, and stuffed 18,000 eggs with candy and stickers, mailed out invitations, solicited sponsors, handed out popsicles and poured lemonade until the bitter end.

And just weeks before that, others of you helped man check-in tables, sell books, distribute tickets and coordinate a myriad of florists, artists and garden clubs as you joined Art in Bloom Chairs Sweet Dupuy and Catherine Makk in making this year’s special floral event one that we won’t soon forget.Never a volunteer organization to let the dust settle, we are already actively planning two of the best and most festive events on the city’s social calendar – LOVE in The Garden and Odyssey Ball.

This year we are thrilled that Julie and Ted George, Cammie and Charles Mayer and Aimee and Mike Siegel will serve as our Chairs for the increasingly popular LOVE party…only this year it will be extra-special. LOVE will be the first big event in the newly expanded Bestoff Sculpture Garden! As I write this letter, bulldozers, trucks and cranes remain in position, and work continues  at a break neck pace to open the second phase of the Sculpture Garden in mid-May. Before the gates even open, we are planning to host The America Alliance of Museums for a reception in the gardens. And, once again, it will be the NVC working hard to make sure this event for museum professionals from across the country is flawless!

Simultaneously, another group of dynamic civic leaders are planning Odyssey Ball 2019. Thanks to Rupa and Tarun Jolly and Anne and Edmund Redd, this year’s event promises to be as glamorous and over-the-top fun as any party you will attend. I promise you these four know how to throw a party! Stay tuned for all the details…I don’t want to spoil any surprises.

From hands-on experiences like Studio Salons, to planning membership parties, decorating the Grand Hall for the holidays and organizing special celebrations and NOMA staff appreciation brunches, to spending countless hours mailing invitations and counting tickets, manning tables and working at these amazing fundraisers ~ each of you offers your own unique gifts and talents to this organization. But more than anything you offer your most precious resource – your time. You give more hours than I can possibly count to make NVC and NOMA the success that they are. I am so deeply appreciative of your efforts and your support of this wonderful organization of committed volunteers. Thank you so much for all that you do!

Jennifer Heebe, Chair
New Orleans Museum of Art Volunteer Committee


Chair Jennifer Heebe
Chair Elect Carla Adams
Vice Chair Activities Faye Lieder
Vice Chair Education Cheryl Kain
Vice Chair Fundraising Juli Miller Hart
Vice Chair Membership Elizabeth Grimes and Robyn Dunn Schwartz
Treasurer Cammie Mayer
Recording Secretary Natasha Alveshire
Corresponding Secretary Nancy Valobra
At-Large Members Dana Hansel, Brenda Moffitt, Kay McArdle, Kathleen Mix, Susu Stall
Immediate Past Chair Anne Redd
Parliamentarian Elizabeth Ryan